
B2B Powerhouse: Diving Deep into BigCommerce B2B Edition

The B2B e-commerce landscape is evolving rapidly, demanding solutions beyond basic online storefronts. Businesses need robust platforms that cater to the complexities of B2B relationships, personalized quotes, negotiated pricing, and efficient account management. Enter BigCommerce B2B Edition – a powerhouse solution to streamline your B2B operations and empower seamless transactions.

 B2B Edition: A Feature-Rich Arsenal for Success

Corporate Account Management: Build a hierarchy of buyer accounts with designated roles and permissions. This enables multi-user access, purchase approvals, and targeted experiences for different departments within your customer’s organization. Imagine sales reps placing orders on behalf of their companies, or different managers approving budgets for specific purchases.

Quotes and Order Approval Workflows: Generate instant quotes with customized pricing and product configurations. This streamlines the sales process and empowers your B2B buyers to quickly move from quote to order. Approval workflows ensure smooth purchase authorization within their organization, eliminating delays and frustrations.

Product Filtering and Price Lists: Cater to specific customer segments with personalized product catalogs and tiered pricing. Imagine offering exclusive product lines or discounted rates to valued distributors or VIP buyers. This adds flexibility, drives loyalty, and boosts your competitive edge.

Self-Service Tools for Buyers: Empower your B2B customers with a dedicated buyer portal. They can manage their accounts, track orders, view purchase history, and even create shared shopping lists for collaborative buying decisions. This enhances transparency, builds trust, and fosters customer satisfaction.

Seamless Integrations: Connect B2B Edition with your existing CRM, ERP, and accounting systems for a unified data flow. This eliminates manual data entry, automates tasks, and provides real-time insights across your B2B operations.

Beyond Features: The Business Benefits of B2B Edition

Increased Sales and Conversion Rates: Streamlined workflows, personalized experiences, and self-service tools empower B2B buyers to purchase faster and more efficiently.

Reduced Operational Costs: Automation, data integration, and streamlined processes minimize manual work, saving you time and resources.

Improved Customer Satisfaction: Self-service options, transparency, and personalized experiences foster loyalty and positive customer relationships.

Enhanced Scalability: B2B Edition’s robust features and flexible platform cater to your business growth, whether you’re a small startup or a large enterprise.

The Power: Implementation and Customization

Migrating to B2B Edition is a smooth process. BigCommerce offers dedicated support and onboarding resources to ensure a seamless transition. Additionally, the platform’s open API and extensive app marketplace allow for further customization and integration with your specific business needs.

Case Studies: B2B Edition in Action

American Eagle Outfitters: Reduced B2B order processing time by 75% and streamlined custom order workflows.

M&T Engineering: Increased online B2B sales by 300% with improved quoting and self-service features.

Fastenal: Enhanced customer experience and streamlined operations with centralized account management and order approval workflows.


BigCommerce B2B Edition isn’t just a platform; it’s a catalyst for B2B transformation. By embracing its potent features, streamlined workflows, and personalized experiences, you unlock a world of growth potential. Say goodbye to clunky B2B storefronts and hello to a dynamic ecosystem that empowers your buyers, maximizes efficiency, and propels your sales.

So, are you ready to unleash the B2B beast within your business? Take the first step by exploring BigCommerce B2B Edition. Remember, the rewards of a smoother, faster, and more profitable B2B journey await.


  • Does B2B Edition require a separate BigCommerce plan?

Yes, B2B Edition is currently available on the Enterprise plan.

  • Is there a free trial?

No, B2B Edition does not have a free trial. However, BigCommerce offers a 15-day free trial of the Enterprise plan, which includes B2B Edition.

  • Is B2B Edition right for my business?

If you’re a B2B business looking to optimize your online operations, improve customer experience, and increase sales, B2B Edition is definitely worth considering.

  • Is B2B Edition easy to use?

B2B Edition is built for user-friendliness, both for store owners and B2B buyers. The interface is intuitive, and BigCommerce offers comprehensive training resources and support to ensure a smooth learning curve.

  • How much does B2B Edition cost?

The cost of B2B Edition depends on your specific needs and BigCommerce plan. Pricing details are available on the BigCommerce website.

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